What happened when Oslo decided to make its downtown basically car-free?
It was a huge success: Parking spots are now bike lanes, transit is fast and easy, and the streets (and local businesses) are full of people.
What is peer review? | Human World | EarthSky
We’ve all heard of peer review. It gives credence to research and scholarly papers. But what does it mean? How does it work?
What Life For This Teenage DACA Recipient Looks Like
Corina Barranco, a high schooler from Ohio, is one of 800,000 young immigrants who have been shielded from deportation by the DACA program.
What We Know About When Federal Workers Will Return And When They Will Be Paid
After the 35-day shutdown, thousands of federal workers will be back on the job.
What will it really take for vertical farms to succeed?
Funders and proponents say vertical farming is the future. But demand may change the nature of what it means to “grow.”
What You Can Do About Legalized Corruption
POGO’s Executive Director Danielle Brian explains what you can and must do abut legalized corruption in our government at the Unrig the System Conference 2018.
What’s the Connection Between Climate Change and Hurricane Harvey?
Where narwhals like to hang out
Narwhals are some of the ocean’s most elusive creatures. But new research may shed light on where these enigmatic marine mammals like to congregate, and why.
Why Is Nicaragua’s Homicide Rate So Far Below That of Its Central American Neighbors?
It’s the revolution, stupid—which fostered innovative policing, along with the dedicated work of community organizers and women activists.