• About

    Peoples.solutions uses open source, user generated content with an international reach.  It is a free, no ads, global communication and connection vehicle, built to fleshing out all sides of our worlds’ issues and problems and finally offer reliable solutions we can agree on and act on.

    The goal of peoples.solutions is to give to all of humanity and individuals who might be interested a place to express yourself in the interests of expressing, learning and help solving as many of the problems and issues of our times as they show up.

    We have created and designed a multi-category blog made of user generated content through out. It is open source, free and ad free, full two way and more way, global communications, connections, clickables, joinables, contributable, commentable, and attributed. It is an international, multi language play and work space for us all to make and use of. Like Wikipedia it will be built by we the people, for the people and with the people. Our intention is to do good in the world as defined by we people ourselves. We have no point of view other than that. No one direction, we want to see it work, no allegiance to any group, corporation or government and respect for all those points of view. In effect no opinion but what shows up.

    Who are the people? It is you and I, it is us all. All who are moved to read and join and respond are welcome [with the inevitable proviso that your intentions are honest and kind and not destructive].

    You will find no limits as to what you can find and can add to this site. It is truly all inclusive. Four basic categories greet you will show the breadth of this site: humanity, earth, water and sky. From there all you might want or want to add to will be contained. So as you search for an area of interest you will eventually find all voices represented. We hope you will find all points of view expressed. Indeed it is made by anyone at all who shows up. It is up to you to decide what looks good or not and draw your own conclusions with as much information as we [all of us and all of you] can come up with. Then after completely understanding whatever the problem is, we urge you to look at the solutions that have presented themselves and we hope as you find the ones that appeal to you they will lead you to further positive action.

    We are ultimately looking for solutions. That is what this is all about. No doubt we can’t create paradise on the planet, we can’t get close to solving all our problems, but any step that gets us nearer that is worth the effort. Any person or group helped, any issues or resolutions moved forward closer to solutions, will make all this effort worthwhile.