Sharks Are Freezing to Death in the Arctic Outbreak
Frozen sharks are washing up along eastern shorelines this week, providing a stark reminder that humans are not the only species suffering from the “Arctic outbreak” sweeping across the US through the next several days.
Should You Take Melatonin for Insomnia?
Insomnia is a very common medical condition in today’s high-stress world. Aside from prescription drugs, you may have been curious about over-the-counter melatonin supplements. But do they work? Are they safe?
Spain’s Conflict Over Catalonia Is Covering Up Massive Political Corruption
Both the ruling PP party and Catalonia’s independentists are using the national question to whitewash their own history of corruption and enthusiasm for austerity.
Sustainable Clothes
When you shop for new clothes, a number of factors can affect the social and environmental impacts of your purchases.
Telling The Good Mushrooms From The Killers | Jefferson Public Radio
If you are at all into eating mushrooms, can you tell the yummy from the deadly? Identifying mushrooms can be a very tricky process, with very high stakes
Ten Simple Ways to Clean Green
There are many benefits to making your own green cleaners. You may already have most of the ingredients in your cupboards. You’ll save money by not buying an array of expensive products, each targeted to clean only one type of surface in your home. And, in most cases, green cleaners work just as well as…
Ten things to do to help honeybees | Environment | The Guardian
Dr Ivor Davis, master beekeeper and past president of the British Beekeepers’ Association, suggests 10 things you can do to help protect our honeybees
The Biggest Tree Canopy on the Planet Stretches Across Nearly Five Acres
In remote India, a visit to Thimmamma Marrimanu offers a spectacular lesson in the vital coexistence of living things