The internet empowered Charlottesville white supremacists. It still has the power to destroy them.

“Life sucks as a racist,” Arno Michaelis told Mic. “Life sucks when you’re afraid of everyone else on Earth, and it’s completely unnecessary. It’s just absolute concocted nonsense that doesn’t have to happen and will literally make every single thing you try to do go to shit.”  Michaelis should know: He used to be a leader…

  • “Life sucks as a racist,” Arno Michaelis told Mic. “Life sucks when you’re afraid of everyone else on Earth, and it’s completely unnecessary. It’s just absolute concocted nonsense that doesn’t have to happen and will literally make every single thing you try to do go to shit.” 

    Michaelis should know: He used to be a leader in the white supremacist movement.

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