After Cassini’s End at Saturn, Outer Planets Exploration Shifts to Jupiter
NASA and the European Space Agency may soon launch new missions to the solar system’s largest planet
Cassini finds ‘big empty’ near Saturn
It’s not totally empty, but the space between Saturn and its rings is much emptier than scientists expected. Cassini will make its 2nd dive through this gap at 3:38 p.m. EDT
On a Mission: Restoration to Return NASA Mission Control Room to Apollo Glory
A new initiative will restore NASA’s Mission Control at Johnson Space Center in Houston, bringing it back to its appearance during the Apollo days.
Scientists Spot Seven Earth-Sized Planets Orbiting a Nearby Star
This newly discovered solar system presents the best opportunity yet to study potentially habitable worlds, NASA scientists report
Video – Five New pairs of merging supermassive black holes discovered
Astronomers have found five new supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. When galaxies collide and merge with each other, it can force their supe…