| Earth Optimism Summit | Smithsonian Conservation Commons
When only a handful of individuals remain, you might think all is lost. Yet scientists have used their ingenuity to save species even when the situation is beyond dire, as these stories of horses, California condors and other species illustrate.
An orangutan will have a chance to find her mate — through Tinder – The Washington Post
The only hiccup so far: Upon being handed a tablet, 11-year-old Samboja immediately destroyed it.
Experts warn 800 species, many endangered, affected by border wall
Mexico is home to 10 percent of all land species known to science, many of which are shared across North America.
Ten things to do to help honeybees | Environment | The Guardian
Dr Ivor Davis, master beekeeper and past president of the British Beekeepers’ Association, suggests 10 things you can do to help protect our honeybees
Three billion birds lost
Bird losses over the last 50 years have been devastating for hundreds of species, affecting both backyard songbirds and long-distance migrants. Given these losses, birds need us now more than ever. We can all help, and making a difference is probably easier than you think…