How a Love of Flowers Helped Charles Darwin Validate Natural Selection
Though his voyage to the Galapagos and his work with finches dominate the narrative of the famed naturalist, he was, at heart, a botanist
How a psychopath is made
Two “extreme” parenting styles have been linked to children becoming criminal psychopaths in later life, a study has revealed. The Norwegian…
How a teenage stowaway made it to Antarctica 90 years ago
A new book called “The Stowaway” tells the story of Billy Gawronski, a teenager who went to Antarctica with explorer Richard Byrd in 1928.
How Ants Became the World’s Best Fungus Farmers
Ancient climate change may have spurred a revolution in ant agriculture, Smithsonian researchers find
How can you know what to believe? | Earth | EarthSky
It’s not surprising that a new study linking extreme winter weather in the U.S. East with a warmer Arctic has drawn fire from global warming skeptics. Should you believe the study or the skeptics?
How Democrats Can Mobilize Millions of Non-Voters
If black millenials decide to vote en masse, our politics could be upended.
How gravitational waves attracted a Nobel Prize
The 2017 Nobel prize for physics was awarded to scientists who helped pioneer the discovery of ripples in the fabric of spacetime, known as gravitational waves
How leaves tell each other about a bug attack
“We often think of plants as being passive and at the mercy of their environment. My jaw literally dropped when I first saw these videos … They beautifully illustrate how active and complex plants really are.”
How Parents Can Support Their Trans Kids
Research shows that family acceptance and affirmation can have a life-saving impact on transgender youth.
How regular people have stopped coups
The legacy of their resistance provides a toolkit for people seeking to defend democracy today.