The Top 4 Healing Properties of Avocados
Not only is avocado an exceptionally dense source of good fats, vitamins, and antioxidants, but it offers protection against some of the worst degenerative diseases known to humanity.
The U.S. Spends Hundreds of Billions on Crops That Make Us Unhealthy
A new study finds that high consumption of commodity crops is linked with poor health outcomes.
The unprecedented drought that’s crippling Montana and North Dakota | Environment | The Guardian
It came without warning, and without equivalent. Now a flash drought is fueling fires and hurting the lives of those who work the land
The US Has Military Bases in 80 Countries. All of Them Must Close.
US bases are wreaking havoc to the health and well-being of communities across the world.
The winds created by trains in London could soon help power the city
As the energy needs of urban areas continue to increase, innovators are looking for new ways to generate energy in unexpected places.
These Psychiatrists Say Trump Poses an Imminent Threat to Humanity
Amy Wilentz explains psychiatrists’ “duty to warn the public.”