Captive: The Movement to Free Marine Mammals
The Movement to Free Marine Mammals
Circumpolar stars never rise or set
Circumpolar stars always reside above the horizon, and for that reason, never rise or set. All the stars at the Earth’s North and South Poles are circumpolar. Meanwhile, no star is circumpolar at the equator.
Disaster Relief Needs Oversight to Stop Waste and Fraud
As Congress contemplates funding billions of dollars in disaster aid, it should ensure the money is overseen adequately.
Global Energy Transitions – Rocky Mountain Institute
If every nation followed the development path of the U.S., Earth’s climate would heat beyond all saving. To save our planet from all those coal, oil, and gas emissions while powering human development, people around the world must leapfrog straight to the clean energy revolution.
Healthy Forests need Birds and Bees
A new study shows that we humans can help maintain healthy forests by focusing conservation efforts on the protection of animal pollinators and seed dispersers.
History of global temperature 1880-2016
Take 14 seconds to watch the change in Earth’s surface temperature from 1880 through 2016.