Reversing the Damage of Cannabis Criminalization
People of color were the most harmed by the war on cannabis, but we can heal the damage of prohibition and ensure a fairer future.
Right to a Healthy Environment Prevails in Montana
A Montana judge rules in favor of 16 young plaintiffs in the US’s first constitutional climate trial.
six feet apart
This is from my good friend, Pat Righter, who got permission from her daughters and granddaughters to send out this YouTube to you. This video is about six feet apart. It found tears in my eyes, maybe yours too! love n hugs, greeley
Stop Planting Trees
Long touted as an environmental panacea, mass tree planting can actually do more harm than good.
The Gift of Ecological Humility
These Afro-Indigenous practices challenge ideas of human supremacy.
The ozone hole is on track to close within 50 years | The Optimist Daily
Researchers credit increased regulation in China as well as other underregulated areas for the continued success of the Montreal Protocol.
The Radical Power of Your Sourdough Starter
For fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz, making sourdough, kimchi, and kombucha is about more than eating well at home. It’s a metaphor for creative systemic change, bubbling away from the ground up.
The White House’s Push To Reopen The Economy Is A Dangerous Gamble
“White House plans to shift its coronavirus messaging toward boosting the economy and highlighting ‘success stories’ of businesses, reducing its public emphasis on health statistics.”
Unlocking happiness: The 30-minute secret to better mental health | The Optimist Daily
Learn how a little tweak in your daily routine can result in huge benefits for your well-being.
Walking the Wild Applegate
Documentary film about the upcoming Jack-Ash Trail. The trail will connect Jacksonville, Oregon, with Ashland, Oregon. Presented with the help of the Applegate Trails Association.