• Applegater

    Hello Applegater reader!

    Thank you for making the effort to find this page, from my Starry Side article in the Applegater.

    For the past few years I have been working on an idea for a website where “WE THE PEOPLE” can learn about and discuss many of the problems being experienced on this planet. I know there are bazillions of people working hard to describe the worlds problems. World class, Pulitzer Prize winning writers are doing an amazing job at describing these issues. Often, I have found that there are already known Solutions to many of these problems, and so we have now created:


    The site is continuing to evolve with new features that are about to be unveiled. But even now, there are hundreds and hundreds of articles, all of which have something interesting about them. So this site is like a huge collection of content that I’ve curated. Highlights from across the internet that all help us to work toward implementing Solutions and better understanding the Problems. Soon, YOU will be able to recommend articles and videos too! But so far, it’s all been through my eyes.

    I sure hope you take some time to click around and see what type of content is here. If anything inspires you, in any way, I’d love to hear about that. I also hope that you’ll come back in the coming months to see if there is something here that YOU’d like to help with, or share. Everything here is made to be easily shared on all the Social Media platforms. So find something here, and Take it with you! Share as you will.

    ADDITIONALLY, I am an artist and have been creating things my whole life. In the most recent decade+, I’ve been making films and appreciating other filmmaker’s work. I hope to help other filmmakers share their good work. Especially projects with an intention to help make the world a better place.

    Here are 4 different place to go from here, with different types of content, and with different intentions:

    • APPLEGATE – Here is a collection of films that relate to the Applegate. A film I’ve made, as well as films from friends and even some folks I don’t know, but these film(s) speak for themselves.
    • Almost80 – Over the past 18 months or so, as I headed toward my 80th birthday, I made a series of simple shorts that each express a piece of my life that I’ve learned from. These are perspectives from a man who was Almost 80.
    • Creative Projects – Years ago I started to put some of my art and film online. Much of what I loved to do was talk with my friends about Art and the creative process. Thus was created a Vlog called GreeleyAndFriends.com Please take a look there too.
    • Youtube – Of course, as a filmmaker in this day & age, I’m using YOUTUBE to distribute my films. Therefore, you can visit my channel and watch A LOT of the films of all sorts I’ve made over the years.


    Please, along the way, as you explore these things: make sure to comment. Tell us what
    you see. What works, what doesn’t. This is NOT a money making venture. There’s nothing
    to buy. This is all about sharing: Understanding, Ideas, Learning, Art, Happiness, Even Love.

    New stuff is getting added regularly. We are on the internet, so all these things we do, are super available and hopefully helpful.

    All these are very useful in helping us to be even more Helpful, impactful and Fun!

    Big hugs

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