Morphing Mushroom Identifier
An interactive mushroom key that models your fungus on screen as you enter the characters.
Most of the U.S. Had a Freakishly Warm Winter
Out of 1,500 weather stations across the U.S., 84 percent had a winter that was hotter than normal
Municipalities Project – Transition Network
An innovative project stemming from the Hubs group in partnership with Transition Network to create a clear framework for how Transition groups and municipalities can create sustainable change together.
NASA’s incredible exoplanet-hunting telescope is about to launch
There is some good news on the horizon for astronomers, astrophysicists, planetary geologists, and people who just like learning neat things about far-away worlds. It’s TESS, short for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, which, if all goes well, will launch on Monday evening aboard a Falcon 9 rocket.
Nat’l Chicken Council Wants to Increase Poultry Slaughterhouse Speeds; Comment Period Open
Make your voice heard on whether the National Chicken Council should be able to further increase the speeds that companies slaughter and process chickens.
New Apple Headquarters Sets Records in Solar and Green Building
New Film ‘Zero Days’ Foreshadows Cyberwarfare’s Frightening Future
The documentary is an ominous warning that cyber attacks are the new, unregulated, furtive frontier in warfare.
New Microscopic View of Ocean Floor Life
The Homo sapiens view of our world is all a matter of perspective, and we need to remember that we’re among the larger creatures on Earth. At around 1.7 meters in length, we’re much closer in size to the biggest animals that have ever lived – 30-meter-long blue whales – than the viruses and bacteria…