4 Ways to Give Your Body Back to Nature After You Die
These alternative burial methods give a purpose to your remains.
5 Old-Fashioned Ways to Predict the Weather by Lydia Cain
Have you noticed how nature gives its own subtle forecast clues?
5 Ways Henrietta Lacks Changed Medical Science
The controversial history of her “immortal” cells will be the subject of an HBO movie
5 ways to save rainforests and the world every day | The Optimist Daily
Join us on this week’s View for some simple yet effective tips on we can all help one of the world’s most important and megadiverse ecosystems: the rainforest.
6 Perspectives on the Future of #MeToo
Our writers reflect on how this remarkable moment of accountability can grow and endure.
6 tips to minimize moon and optimize 2017’s Perseid meteor shower | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky
A waning gibbous moon will do its best to drown out the 2017 Perseid meteor shower. Here are 6 tips for enjoying the moonlit Perseid meteors in 2017.
7 Alien Earths; May Be Swapping Life via Meteorites
Tiny life-forms can move easily between these recently described planets, according to a study of the travel times between worlds.
7 questions for Derek Bauman, 20-year law enforcement veteran, about police shootings
RSS REBLOGGED BY Daily Kos Police Accountability Group Barriers and Bridges Support the Dream Defenders TAGS CommunityPolicing PoliceShootings BlackLivesMatter DerekBauman TommyNorman Share this article Derek Bauman, a law enforcement veteran of over 20 years, is currently serving a suburban Cincinnati police department. He is the president of his department’s patrol officer union and in 2011…
7 Things To Know About Antibiotics, According To Medical Professionals
If someone has an infection or is suspected to have one, the most common thing for doctors to do is to prescribe them antibiotics. However, many believe that the overprescription of antibiotics is becoming a problem.