100% Carbon-Free Electricity is a Golden Opportunity for California
A proposed state bill calls for 100 percent carbon-free electricity in California by 2045.
2.8 Million Stars Sparkle in This Incredible Image of the Milky Way
The Gaia star surveyor captured a densely packed area near the center of the galaxy
2018 was the fourth hottest year on record
NASA and NOAA data show that 2018 was the fourth hottest year on record, while the hottest is 2016. Global surface temperature records go back nearly 140 years. During that time, nine of the 10 hottest years occurred between 2005 and 2018.
23andMe Pharma Deals Have Been the Plan All Along
“…last week’s announcement that one of the world’s biggest drugmakers, GlaxoSmithKline, is gaining exclusive rights to mine 23andMe’s customer data for drug targets should come as no surprise.”
3 free longevity hacks for a longer life | The Optimist Daily
There are a lot of habits that we can practice to boost longevity. Here are three that stand out because they’re effective, simple, and also cost-free.
3 Reasons Why Republicans Will Let the Rich Abuse the Tax Code
The GOP tax bill creates a vast and easy game for accountants to play.
4 Happy Thoughts about the Trump Solar Tariffs
4 Important Facts You Need to Know About Antibiotics
Cold weather brings a rise in upper respiratory infections — sneezing, coughing and stuffy heads. These symptoms and others bring a common request from my patients: Can I get antibiotics? The answer is not always yes.