Coal Production Plummets to Lowest Level in 35 Years
Coal was once the dominant source of the nation’s electricity generation, but consumption of the fossil fuel has declined by nearly a third since its peak in 2007.
Coal to power India for decades to come
Coal will continue to produce roughly three-quarters of India’s electricity, says body charged with central planning, as it lays out plan to boost mining production
Collaboration and progress on energy is possible. Just look at Asheville.
The Asheville-Duke Energy Blue Horizons Project is a model for energy progress
College Was Once Free and For the Public Good—What Happened? by Thomas Adam — YES! Magazine
Students didn’t have to worry about tuition and debt until higher education became more about personal gain than contributing to society.
Comet NEOWISE closest to Earth on July 23 | Space | EarthSky
HI ALL!!!!! This is a bit of a long shot. I haven’t seen it yet but I know it’s right close to visibility. I don’t think you’ll see a tail and all sorts of exciting stuff but it WILL be visible to the naked eye and the very idea of it is rare and…
Community-Powered Solar in Puerto Rico
With climate-fueled hurricanes in their past and future, Puerto Ricans are taking back their power.
Coronavirus Explained: What it does to your body that makes it so deadly | Human World | EarthSky
How the coronavirus infects and how it makes people sick. Hi Good Folks, This is long and involved but amazing and clear too. For those of you who can make it through or skip to the end there’s good news about how much we now know about these virus’ and how much that should help…
Coronavirus Pandemic Guide
“Coronavirus Pandemic Survival Guide is a no-nonsense manual filled with practical information and methods for staying safe, secure, and sane during the Covid-19 catastrophe. Its ten chapters cover how to thrive physically, financially, and even emotionally.” A note from the author, Jonathan Robinson