Dan Rather reacts to White House media ban, calling the move a “real and present threat to our democracy” | Rare
“These are the dangers presidents are supposed to protect against, not create.”
Can Oroville Dam’s badly damaged spillway hold up through the rainy season?
With weeks to go in California’s rainy season, and billions of gallons of water waiting to rush into Lake Oroville…
Climate Change Could Bring Bigger, Wetter Storms to California, Study Says
Extreme rain and snow will hit the West Coast more often as the climate changes, scientists found.
Flipping the Switch for a Cleaner Grid (2017) | Union of Concerned Scientists
We don’t currently pay attention to when we use electricity—but we should.
A World Upside Down
Wind and solar energy are disrupting a century-old model of providing electricity. What will replace it?
Overeating Is Responsible For An Insane 10% Of Global Food Waste
Gluttony: bad for your health, and bad for global hunger.
Happy 30th Birthday, Supernova 1987A – Sky & Telescope
The brightest supernova since the invention of the telescope erupted 30 years ago. The remnant of the supernova explosion continues…
To Billionaire Doomsday Preppers: Your Wealth Won’t Save You by Chuck Collins
The only solution is to bring your wealth home and invest in community resilience to ensure the survival of all.
What It Takes to Change Hearts and Minds by Colin Beavan — YES! Magazine
To get someone’s support, you need more than just facts.