Sharks Are Freezing to Death in the Arctic Outbreak
Frozen sharks are washing up along eastern shorelines this week, providing a stark reminder that humans are not the only species suffering from the “Arctic outbreak” sweeping across the US through the next several days.
Sirius is Dog Star and brightest star | Brightest Stars | EarthSky
February evenings are a grand time to see Sirius. It’s hard to miss as the brightest star in Earth’s sky. How to spot it, mythology, science, here.
Sirius, future South Pole Star | Tonight | EarthSky
The sky’s brightest star, Sirius aka the Dog Star, will come to within 1.6 degrees of the south celestial pole in the year 66270.
six feet apart
This is from my good friend, Pat Righter, who got permission from her daughters and granddaughters to send out this YouTube to you. This video is about six feet apart. It found tears in my eyes, maybe yours too! love n hugs, greeley
Sketchplanations – A weekly explanation in a sketch
Easy explanations in the form of sketches.
Slave Labor Widespread at ICE Detention Centers, Lawyers Say
A growing body of legal experts says paying people in detention centers $1 per day to work violates minimum wage laws and the Constitution.
Small space living goes off-road with the Winnebago Revel
It’s real, and it’s really nice to look at.
Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet Video Launch | Fair World Project
Fair World Project is proud to announce the release of our latest video, “Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet.” Our new 17-minute documentary highlights the
Solatube: Directing true natural light into your home
Alternative lighting solution