• 2018 was the fourth hottest year on record

    2018 was the fourth hottest year on record

    NASA and NOAA data show that 2018 was the fourth hottest year on record, while the hottest is 2016. Global surface temperature records go back nearly 140 years. During that time, nine of the 10 hottest years occurred between 2005 and 2018.

  • Nader Calls for a New 1 Percent

    Nader Calls for a New 1 Percent

    In his latest book, the critic and activist proposes the creation and activation of a new 1 percent—one that will expose “conditions of deprivation and abuse” and champion “basic fair play.”

  • The Radical Power of Your Sourdough Starter

    The Radical Power of Your Sourdough Starter

    For fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz, making sourdough, kimchi, and kombucha is about more than eating well at home. It’s a metaphor for creative systemic change, bubbling away from the ground up.

  • World Bank to end financial support for oil and gas extraction

    World Bank to end financial support for oil and gas extraction

    Bank announces in Paris it ‘will no longer finance upstream oil and gas’ after 2019 in response to threat posed by climate change