To My Fellow Climate Scientists: Be Human, Be Brave, Tell the Truth by Peter Kalmus — YES! Magazine
With climate deniers sweeping into the White House, it’s time for scientists on the front lines of climate change to speak from the heart.
To Women Marchers: Just Because You Don’t Feel Welcome Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Belong
Issues that impact the womanhood of any one of us—directly or indirectly—impact all of us.
Trump accuses Obama of ‘Nixon/Watergate’ wiretap — but offers no evidence – The Washington Post
Trump claimed Obama tapped phones at Trump Tower. Obama’s office says that’s “simply false.”
Trump Administration Scrubs Mentions of Climate and Renewables From White House Website
Immediately after Donald Trump assumed the office of president Friday, the presidential URL changed.
Trump administration to approve final permit for Dakota Access pipeline
The deputy secretary of the Army will grant the final permit needed for completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline, it declared in a court filing Tuesday.
Trump, in CIA visit, attacks media for coverage of his inaugural crowds
Trump delivered a campaign-style, stream-of-consciousness airing of grievances — at the Senate for delaying confirmation of his nominees; at critics for questioning whether he is smart and vigorous; and at journalists, whom he called “the most dishonest human beings on earth” and accused of lying about the size of his inauguration crowd.
Trump’s Executive Order Is Already Hurting Refugees, Muslims And Families | The Huffington Post
People are being turned away at airports.
Trump's Mexican misstep was a fiasco, but the 'border adjustment' is a catastrophe in waiting
It’s difficult to think of a time when US-Mexican relations have been this bad without either Pancho Villa or the Zimmermann Telegram making the news.
War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing
Welcome to No Labels
The primary goal of No Labels is to start a national movement that will culminate in a Federal government that sees the presidential administration and both houses of Congress working together to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals that will solve the nation’s problems. You can see the project’s website below.