Circumpolar stars never rise or set
Circumpolar stars always reside above the horizon, and for that reason, never rise or set. All the stars at the Earth’s North and South Poles are circumpolar. Meanwhile, no star is circumpolar at the equator.
Happy 30th Birthday, Supernova 1987A – Sky & Telescope
The brightest supernova since the invention of the telescope erupted 30 years ago. The remnant of the supernova explosion continues expanding.
How Astrophysicists Found a Black Hole Where No One Else Could
A new method could help scientists peer inside universe’s densest star clusters to find undiscovered black holes
Kepler Telescope Releases Trove of Data on Newfound Earth-Size Exoplanets
The planet-hunting observatory stared at the TRAPPIST-1 system for nearly three months
Laniakea: Our home supercluster
A team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique that maps the Universe according to the flow of galaxies across space
Moon and Winter Circle next few evenings
New Webinar: How to Photograph the Milky Way, with Babak Tafreshi
Join Sky & Telescope Contributing Photographer Babak Tafreshi for a live webinar to learn the secrets of stunning Milky Way photography.
Opportunity Rover celebrates 13 years on Mars
On January 24, 2017, NASA’s Opportunity rover celebrated 13 Earth years exploring Mars. She’s officially a teenager. Here are 6 ways she’s behaving like one