Damage, design flaws in Oroville Dam spillway point to lengthy repairs, consultants say
The main spillway at Oroville Dam is riddled with design flaws and so badly damaged that an independent panel of…
How Astrophysicists Found a Black Hole Where No One Else Could
A new method could help scientists peer inside universe’s densest star clusters to find undiscovered black holes
The Biggest Tree Canopy on the Planet Stretches Across Nearly Five Acres
In remote India, a visit to Thimmamma Marrimanu offers a spectacular lesson in the vital coexistence of living things
House leaders postpone vote on their health-care plan – The Washington Post
The news came as Republican leaders and President Trump were struggling to meet demands of conservative lawmakers who said they…
Record low sea ice at both poles
Arctic sea ice reached its annual wintertime maximum extent, according to scientists at the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data…
Innovative Aggregation Expands Access to Large-scale Renewables
This week, the largest renewable energy project built in the U.S. through an alliance of diverse buyers reached commercial operation.
Hospitals Halt Hiring, Projects amid Uncertain Fate of Obamacare
The Republican-proposed repeal bill is slated for a House vote on Thursday
Laniakea: Our home supercluster
A team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique that maps the Universe according to the flow…