Tiny Town in the Heartland Creates Homegrown Sanctuary by Bian Elkhatib — YES! Magazine
Residents of Iowa’s first Hispanic-majority town don’t need sanctuary city policies to support their immigrant neighbors.
May Day rallies across U.S. target Trump immigration policy
Labor unions and civil rights groups staged May Day rallies in several U.S. cities on Monday to denounce President Donald…
Don’t be mad at your meteorologist for a poor forecast. We’re mad enough at ourselves. – The Washington Post
And please stop calling for us to be fired, geez.
5 Old-Fashioned Ways to Predict the Weather by Lydia Cain
Have you noticed how nature gives its own subtle forecast clues?
Watch Milky Way’s Stars Move 5 Million Years into the Future
Astronomers have transformed star data from the Gaia and Hipparcos missions into a video that predicts stellar motions millions of…
The Key to Feeding the World? It’s Healthy Soil by David R. Montgomery — YES! Magazine
Conventional farming practices that degrade soil health undermine humanity’s ability to continue feeding everyone over the long run.
Dirt Poor: Have Fruits and Vegetables Become Less Nutritious?
Because of soil depletion, crops grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of…
5 Ways Henrietta Lacks Changed Medical Science
The controversial history of her “immortal” cells will be the subject of an HBO movie
Your Cells. Their Research. Your Permission?
Tissues from millions of Americans are used in research without their knowledge. These “clinical biospecimens” are leftovers from blood tests,…
| Earth Optimism Summit | Smithsonian Conservation Commons
When only a handful of individuals remain, you might think all is lost. Yet scientists have used their ingenuity to…