Finally, some good news for the climate: Global carbon emissions stayed flat in 2016 – The Washington Post
The United States and China are burning less coal, and as a result, economies are growing without further worsening the…
Carbon in Atmosphere Is Rising, Even as Emissions Stabilize – The New York Times
Scientists are concerned over the cause of the rapid rise, which may indicate the world’s natural sponges that absorb carbon…
Are we having an effect slowing population growth?
Global population is still growing by 83 million people per year. BUT, since our founding in 1968, the rate of…
We Will Soon Be Using More Than The Earth Can Provide by David Korten — YES! Magazine
Forget the GDP, it’s time for our leaders to pay attention to metrics that matter.
Morphing Mushroom Identifier
An interactive mushroom key that models your fungus on screen as you enter the characters.
Telling The Good Mushrooms From The Killers | Jefferson Public Radio
If you are at all into eating mushrooms, can you tell the yummy from the deadly? Identifying mushrooms can be…
Ten things to do to help honeybees | Environment | The Guardian
Dr Ivor Davis, master beekeeper and past president of the British Beekeepers’ Association, suggests 10 things you can do to…
Widely Used Pesticide Is a Buzzkill for Honeybees
Findings add fuel to the debate over whether a commonly used chemical damages insect populations